Tuesday, April 24, 2007

You can't fight an ism...

Whenever I hear the phrase "the war on terrorism" I just shake my head. When President Bush started saying it I knew something just didn’t sound right about it. You can’t fight an ism. You fight people. You fight nations. You fight armies. You don’t fight an ism. However because of political correctness and a lack of gonads this country has been declaring war on isms. Let’s get some leaders that will “buck up” and call out the people that are causing this hell we are fighting.

I like President Bush. I think he is a decent man and I voted for him both times. I think his words are a bit contradictory however and unfortunately his inability to truly get his point across has cost him. He did call out the “axis of evil” but then stopped short by declaring war on terrorism. He needed to declare war on the people that are evil. Not on their ideas. In WWII we didn’t fight Nazism, we fought Germany. We kicked their ass too. We didn’t fight Imperialism, we fought Japan. Stomped them. Unfortunately our leaders, and I’m really worried that the general population, doesn’t have the guts enough to call out the offending countries and declare war on them. Political correctness is at its height…We’ve declared war on Terrorism and left everything gray as to our purpose, especially to those that only get their news in 20 minute chunks. We went to the right spot to fight and we’re fighting the right people but you have to win the hearts and minds in a war just as much as you have to win the battles. Now as far as the battles are concerned we are handing the bad guys their ass on a daily basis and will continue to do so. Our military has never lost a battle in Iraq. Then why is it that the perception is we have lost the war? It’s because we haven’t called those necessary out specifically. All of our politicians are hiding behind political correctness.

You can fight people that have a certain ideal but not the ideal itself. You have to win the hearts and minds by telling and showing everyone that a democratic ideal is far better than that of tyranny and oppression. You have to make it Waterford Crystal clear however that you’re fighting the people that think tyranny and oppression are the way to go. When this is accomplished then most everyone will understand why we are doing what we are doing and rally around us.

In Vietnam it was communism, we chose to bow and leave before getting it done. I prey that we don’t do the same in Iraq.


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